drawing off god s olive tree
- The Meaning of an Olive Tree Flourishing in The House of God
- Why a Flourishing Olive Tree?
- Being Like a Flourishing Olive Tree—Put It into Practice
Scripture often uses plants to help teach lessons; to demonstrate how our behavior or mindset can affect our ability to produce quality fruit; or even to represent individuals or people groups. One use of plants—where it represents both David and all godly people—provides an olive tree flourishing in the House of God to demonstrate how those who choose God are blessed…
Join us as we discover how WE too are like that flourishing olive tree and how we can choose to bear good fruit!
The Meaning of an Olive Tree Flourishing in The House of God
Olive trees are mentioned throughout the Word of God. Some of those include the olive tree and/or its produce in what appear to be generally "mundane" or background plot aspects—in reality, every use impacts the meaning. While others use the olive tree to symbolically denote Israel or the grafted-in Believers—with the cultivated olive tree representing Israel, and the wild olive tree representing those who have been grafted-in. However, there are still many other instances in the Word that have additional or multiple uses…
Psalm 52, in fact, is an interesting example that has multiple meanings behind it.
Psalm 52 first shows us what happens to the wicked and then to the godly. With the wicked being cut low, while those who are godly—who trust in God alone—are granted blessings!
What does this have to do with olive trees?
Well, Psalm 52 does not give us the cursings and blessings in quite the same way as we just translated it to be. Instead, even with the minor adjustments to the wording found from version to version, it tells us that those who trust in the Lord are like a flourishing or green olive tree within God's House!
"But I am like an olive tree
flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God's unfailing love
for ever and ever.
For what you have done I will always praise you
in the presence of your faithful people.
And I will hope in your name,
for your name is good."
—Psalm 52:8-9 (NIV)
Yes, this scripture is discussing King David, but it also connects to all who trust in the unending love of God!
All of us have the opportunity to be like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God—following God, trusting in Him. We have the choice laid before us; just like King David had!
But why would we want to be like a flourishing olive tree? What does that entail? What sort of blessing is it?
![Grove of old olive trees.](https://www.myolivetree.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MOT-Grove-of-old-olive-trees-Header-1024x-379.jpg)
Why a Flourishing Olive Tree?
An olive tree that is flourishing is considered by most to be beautiful…
It has character. The base of the tree is often rough and twisting, creating designs that are so distinct, that even within a large grove, no two trees appear quite the same.
Olive leaves are lovely as well; simple, not too imposing, yet, of exquisite shades of green. Contrasting starkly against the unique, sturdy base, while adding softness with gentle movement and sound.
The fruit is also a delight. First displaying itself in light, green shades, then ripening and ripening until at last—if not picked prior—it turns into a deep, rich black. Blending into and then standing stark upon the tree.
So, an olive tree is beautiful, sure. But what does that have to do with us?
Those who trust in the Lord do not worry. God's peace surrounds them as they dwell in the House of the God. Further, through the faith accompanying that trust, God's Light is able to shine within… allowing those around to see that Light. To experience a glimpse of God even through a person!
At first glance, this has little to nothing to do with an olive tree. Even one that is flourishing in the House of God. However, by looking closer, we discover a close connection:
Both Have a Firm Foundation…
An olive tree has a firm foundation. One that taps into the life-bringing water around it.
We, as Believers, trust in the firm foundation of God. We have faith that as we tap into the River of Life, we will be nourished and able to flourish—just like an olive tree in the House of God would.
Both Allow Light to Be Seen in a Different Way…
An olive tree's leaves do more than protect the tree or even add beauty to the tree. It changes the way the light appears. How the light is directed.
We, as Believers, who trust God and walk in faith, have the Light of God within us. Yet, when used properly, God's Light within us is projected to those around us… allowing others to see the Light in a new way.
Both Make Unseen Things 'Visible'…
An olive tree causes the unseen wind to become 'visible' to those who are nearby. As the leaves shift, causing sound and movement, what the wind is doing is revealed.
We, as Believers, through our faith and trust in God, are filled with the Holy Spirit and in tune with what was previously unseen. As we allow Holy Spirit greater access to our hearts and lives, not only is the 'unseen' revealed to us… but those around us begin to see and hear that spiritual shifting.
Both Bring Nourishment…
An olive tree, through its leaves and fruit, are able to bring nourishment and even health to those who partake of it. Bringing life, nourishment, wellness, and more!
We, as Believers, when we choose to walk in God's ways, release good things. Our words and actions have the potential to bring life, healing, and nourishment. By speaking kind words, for instance, we can bring health to flesh and bone (see Proverbs 16:24). Or by doing good to others, we honor God (see Proverbs 14:31).
The Faith and Trust We Have in God Makes a Difference…
We who are trusting God and walking in faith echo a flourishing olive tree. Because our foundation—our base/trunk—is standing firmly in our God! All of the trust and faith we have in Him causes God's peace to fill us… shining forth His Light to others.
That is Not All…
Olive trees are fruiting. They bear fruit. And the best olive trees bear good fruit.
When we put action to our faith and trust in God, we, like an olive tree, begin to bear fruit… good fruit!
And that fruit not only has eternal implications, but here and now!
Good fruit is a blessing. It brings good things to others instead of just taking.
Good fruit, like the fruit of the olive tree, brings nourishment. It brings Light. It brings anointing oil—which breaks yokes and anoints us into new callings, purpose, and seasons.
It brings hope!
All of these things demonstrate that we are like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God…
Yet, unlike a physical olive tree, we can bear fruit year-round. God's blessings that pour in and through us are not limited to a season. Through God we are able to continually flourish!
![Banner- How do I leave a Lasting Legacy in Israel](https://www.myolivetree.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/MOT.BlogBanners.vs15-1024x379.jpg)
Being Like a Flourishing Olive Tree—Put It into Practice
There are other ways in which we can be like flourishing olive trees in the house of God. Yet, even in these few that we've mentioned, we see that following God with faith, trust, and action produces amazing things. Allowing us to bear lasting fruit!
So, how do we put this into practice? How do we bear good, lasting fruit?
There are a number of ways that we are able to do this:
- Realizing & Accepting God's Perspective…
God sees things in a different way than we generally do, because He sees the big picture. He knows the beginning and the end of all things.
When we allow ourselves to see things through His eyes, not only does our mindset shift, but so do our actions. By realizing and accepting God's view of ourselves, we are able to understand and receive the blessings He wants for us. Then, by understanding that we are loved and valued, we are able to see and treat others as God would have us treat them… bringing forth good fruit.
Remember, we are meant to treat others as we wish to be treated. If we are listening to the lies of the enemy, viewing ourselves as counterfeits or worthless, etc., instead of through God's reality where we are valued and loved, it is difficult to do what God would have us do. To love ourselves, others, and Him. Walking out that love in action.
- Adding Action to Faith…
God has not only made us to be a people of faith, but of action. To believe, then to walk out that belief. Allowing an activation of faith that brings forth good fruit…
God's Word says that faith without works is dead (see James 2:14-26). It bears no fruit or bad fruit. Yet, we, as God's children, as Believers, are meant to produce fruit. Not only to have our books in Heaven well-filled, but so that God is glorified…
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
—Matthew 5:16
When we choose to be doers as well as Believers, things shift. Not only for us, but for those around us…
We CAN be a light to others!
We CAN let others see our good works, and through them, glorify our Father!
We CAN be like an olive tree flourishing in the House of God!
To discover our FREE resource about how you can leave a lasting legacy in Israel, click HERE!
Source: https://www.myolivetree.com/olive-tree-flourishing-in-the-house-of-god/
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